We have been gone for a week, sailing around South Sound, in our boat for the last week. We had decided to stick around locally and see more of the local surroundings instead of going on a longer, out of area location this year. The weather has been beautiful, if not too warm most days. Because of the warm weather I guess, I spent my days reading mostly, although I brought plenty of art supplies. I had read To Kill a Mockingbird years ago, as well as A Catcher in the Rye, but thought it was time to reread them. I spent most of my time reading Charles Reids book Watercolor Secrets. He makes watercolor look so easy. He is a master of understanding that value is really the important item in his work. He can put a pink and a green next to each other and having the the same intensity and value ...... they appear to be just what was needed. I always feel I need the proper color AND value. I've owned the book since it first was out in print and have read it numerous times... I think this time more of it sank in. Hawthorne on Painting is always fun because you can pick it up and read any page and benefit from it.
It is suppose to be hotter this week and I'm glad to be home where it will be cool. I've cleaned my studio a little and will try to work on a large painting I've been started some time ago ... maybe the time is right.....FINALLY.
Sounds like my kind of vacation!