Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some painting exercises ..

I have found too many things to occupy my time lately and have not been doing as much oil painting as I had hoped to.   Here are some of the exercises I have completed since I last worked from the book "Oil Painting Develop Your Natural Ability" by Charles Sovek,.  The next assignment will be working on exercise 16.  I had just glanced at this exercise and for the last week or so assumed it needed me to observe a subject out of doors. Thinking I needed a lot of sun, I have not progressed further.  Having read a little today I see I can work without bright sun. Good. I won't need to wait for three or more months until we see summer.  Lesson learned, 'don't assume' anything. 


  1. Great exercises! They always teach us so much. And, your green color chart is wonderful. How helpful that will be!

  2. Thank you Pam. I am enjoying the exercises. For a change I'm following every exercise in a book instead of just looking at the pictures and reading. I'm trying to absorb some of what I am reading and doing.

    About the green chart ... thanks, I never realized how much I love green until this last year. All the wonderful shades and colors of green ... Yum.

  3. Nancy, I wondered where you've been! This looks like it was a fun exercise. I'm looking forward to your next one . . . "exercise 16"?

  4. Thanks Linda. I think #16 will be fun. We are having pretty nice spring like weather right now and I'm envisioning myself doing some plein air painting soon.

  5. I remember these Sovek exercises. I think I may have told you that I once wrote to Sovek to ask him something (that I was confused about) and he wrote back! What a great artist and person he was. Looks like you understood exactly. Keep up the good work!
