Wednesday, August 24, 2016

:: Always looking for inspiration ::

I'm seldom without inspiration for things to paint and recently we took a road trip down the Washington coast and it seemed that each place we went I found some beautiful scenes that were very inspiring to me.

It seems, after all, I am always looking and finding inspiration without realizing it.

Oysterville store - NVanBlaricom

The top photo is a location known as Oystervile on the Long Beach Peninsula. Its rich in history.  The day we were there the Oysterville Sea Farm was open (I think its open 7 days a week right now). The sun was shinning and I found the old cannery buildings very inspiring.

Beach Grass - NVanBlaricom

While still on the Long Beach Peninsula we were able to take long walks on the smooth looong sandy beach you see in the photo below.  It went for miles without many rocks or driftwood in sight. Seeing the sign and the grass before getting to the beach was inspiring to me.

Looong Beach - NVanBlaricom

The photo above was the typical morning on the Peninsula.  Long deserted beaches and lots of sand.

Puget Island Ferry boat ride - NVanBlaricom

A fun way to travel from Washington to Oregon is to ride the local ferry boat from Puget Island Washington to West Port Oregon.  It is a short ride and on a calm day it is very scenic and enjoyable.

I came home filled with inspiration.  It seems I am as inspired by so many local scenes that I should never run out of painting material.

Do you find painting inspiration everywhere you look like I do?


  1. Yes! So much so that I have way, way, way too many photos! I'll never want for inspiration!! But, on the other hand, I'm an addict! I know I will spend the rest of my life collecting photos whether or not they get painted!! Fun blog topic! Thanks, Nancy!!

  2. Thank you Donna! I totally understand the addiction. There are times I look at a photo and wonder what it was about the scene that I was drawn to, but don't get rid of it for fear I'll later remember and it won't be available to me. I think it might be wise of me to file them in some kind of order so I'll remember what about the scene I found so interesting. Buildings, Flowers, Gardens, etc. Oh my, that sounds like way too much work ….
