Sunday, January 10, 2010

Book illustrations ...

Now that the holidays are behind us I'm once again able to center my attention on the children's book I am illustrating. There are so many steps to making a book. Picture sequence, storyboard and book dummy, size, scale and shape, all need to be considered.

In the photo above you can see my story board to the upper left ..... small thumbnails of the sequence of the book, then to the right of this a dummy book a sketch of what you think the page may look like. You can see numerous watercolor sketches I've done, then on the bottom row, you see my drawing on tracing paper and to the right of that my finished drawing on watercolor paper. I haven't given myself a deadline, but I am looking forward to seeing this project completed.


  1. What a fun project! Looks great!

  2. Nancy, fantastic!! It will be done in good time. you know it will.

  3. Very cool - are you also writing it?

  4. How Fun! My question is the same as Deb's.. Looking forward to seeing your progression.

  5. Thank you Nancy. There are parts of this project that are great fun. So nice to try something different.

    PI Naturally, thanks for stopping by. Interesting blog you've got ... I'll return.

    Deb, no, I'm not writing it. It was, is, a poem about a little girl who wants to be big, written by my friends adult son ... who passed away about two years ago. His mother, my friend, wants to see a few of his poems published.

    Gaylynn, thanks for commenting. I'll post more when I finish a few pages. Almost finished another page yesterday and at the last minuted messed it up. Grrrrrrrrrrr *wink
